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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - account


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Перевод с английского языка account на русский

1. счет bank account —- счет в банке correspondent account —- корреспондентский счет account current, current account —- текущий счет joint account —- общий счет private account —- счет частного лица или фирмы account rendered —- счет, предъявленный к оплате on smb.'s account —- на чьем-то счете в банке; за чей-то счет for account of smb. —- ком. за чей-то счет on account —- бирж. в счет причитающейся суммы to open an account with —- открывать счет to be in account with —- иметь счет у кого-л.; иметь дела, быть связанным с to pay an account —- заплатить по счету, расплатиться to settle accounts with smb. —- рассчитаться с кем-л.; свести счеты с кем-л. to pass to account —- внести на счет 2. расчет; подсчет money of account —- ком. расчетная денежная единица for the account —- бирж. с ликвидацией расчетов в течение ближайшего ликвидационного периода to keep account of smth. —- вести счет чему-л. to take an account of smth. —- подсчитать что-л.; составить список чего-л.; произвести инвентаризацию чего-л. 3. расчеты, отчетность; сводка activity accounts —- эк. хозяйственные счета to adjust accounts —- бухг. приводить книги в порядок to cast accounts —- производить расчет to learn accounts —- изучать счетоводство 4. кредит по открытому счету account card —- кредитная карточка charge this coat to my account —- запишите это пальто на мой счет 5. отчет; доклад, сообщение an accurate account of smth. —- подробный доклад о чем-л. newspaper account —- газетный отчет; газетное сообщение to call to account —- потребовать отчета; призвать к ответу to give an account —- давать отчет, отчитываться to give an account of smth. —- делать отчет о чем-л.; описывать что-л.; давать сведения о чем-л.; объяснять что-л. to give an account of one's absence —- объяснять причину своего отсутствия 6. описание, рассказ account of the trip —- рассказ о поездке to trust smb.'s account —- доверять чьему-л. рассказу let us have your account of yesterday afternoon —- расскажи нам о том, что ты делал вчера днем 7. сводка данных 8. мнение, отзыв, оценка 9. according to all accounts, by all accounts по общему мнению, по словам всех not to hold of much account —- быть невысокого мнения, невысоко ценить 10. причина, основание on this account —- по этой причине on what account? —- на каком основании? at all accounts —- в любом случае; во что бы то ни стало not on any account, on no account —- ни в коем случае, ни под каким видом; никоим образом on account of —- из-за, вследствие, ввиду, по случаю, по причине on the public account —- в общественных интересах 11. значение, важность of good account —- имеющий ценность; пользующийся авторитетом to be reckoned of some account —- иметь некоторый вес, пользоваться определенным вниманием of no account —- не имеющий веса; не пользующийся авторитетом of small account —- незначительный, не имеющий большого значения to make little account of smb., smth. —- не придавать кому-л., чему-л. большого значения he is of small account here —- с ним здесь мало считаются 12. внимание к чему-л.; принятие в расчет чего-л. to take into account —- принимать во внимание you must take into account the boy's long illness —- вы должны учесть, что мальчик долго болел to leave smth. out of account, to take no account of smth. —- не принимать во внимание что-л. 13. выгода, польза on one's own account —- в своих собственных интересах; на свой страх и риск to turn smth. to account —- обратить что-л. в свою пользу, использовать что-л. в своих интересах; извлечь из чего-л. выгоду she turned her misfortune to account —- она извлекла пользу даже из своего несчастья 14. = advertising account they got the toothpaste account —- они получили заказ на рекламирование зубной пасты 15. (любой) заказчик, покупатель, клиент Id: the great account —- рел. день страшного суда, судный день Id: to be called to one's account, to go to one's account, —- ам. to hand in one's accounts покончить счеты с жизнью, умереть Id: he cast up accounts —- его стошнило Id: to give a good account of oneself —- хорошо себя зарекомендовать, успешно справиться; добиться хороших результатов; не ударить лицом в грязь 16. считать, признавать to account smth. a merit —- считать что-л. достоинством I account him a hero —- я считаю его героем to account oneself lucky —- полагать, что ты счастливчик he was accounted guilty —- его признали виновным he was much accounted of —- его высоко ценили 17. (to, for) отчитываться; давать отчет you'll have to account to me if anything happens to her —- если с ней что-нибудь случится, ты мне ответишь he accounted for the money —- он отчитался за полученную сумму 18. (for) отвечать, нести ответственность he will account for his crime —- он ответит за свое преступление 19. (for) разг. убить, уничтожить; обезвредить; поймать I accounted for three of the attackers —- я разделался с тремя из нападающих he accounted for five of the enemy planes —- он сбил пять вражеских самолетов 20. приписывать, вменять many virtues were accounted to him —- ему приписывали множество добродетелей 21. (for) объяснять to account for one's absence —- давать объяснения по поводу своего отсутствия I cannot account for his behaviour —- я не могу объяснить его поведения he could not account for his foolish mistake —- он не находил объяснения своей нелепой ошибке 22. (for) вызывать что-л., приводить к чему-л., служить причиной чего-л. the humidity accounts for the discomfort —- повышенная влажность является причиной дискомфорта that accounts for it! —- вот, оказывается, в чем дело! Id: one cannot account for tastes —- о вкусах не спорят
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) счет, расчет; подсчет for account of smb. - за счет кого-л. on account - в счет чего-л. correspondent account - корреспондентский счёт (мелкого банка в крупном) account current - текущий счет joint account - общий счет private account - счёт частного лица или фирмы to keep accounts comm. - вести книги account book - конторская книга to lay (ones) account with smth. -  а) рассчитывать на что-л.;  б) принимать что-л. в расчет to settle accounts with smb. -  а) рассчитываться с кем-л.;  б) сводить счеты с кем-л. on smb. s account -  а) на чьём-л. счёте (в банке);  б) за чей-л. счёт to open an account with - открывать счёт в (банке, магазине и т.п.) to close an account with - закрывать счёт в (банке, магазине и т.п.) to pay an account - заплатить по счёту, расплатиться to pass to account - внести на счёт  2) отчет; сообщение; доклад - newspaper account - give account of - call to account  3) мнение, оценка - take into account - leave out of account - by all accounts - give a good account of oneself - not to hold of much account  4) основание, причина account of - из-за, вследствие [ср. тж. account  1) ]; ни в коем случае  5) значение, важность - make account of - of good account - of much account - of high account - be reckoned of some account - of no account - of small account  6) выгода, польза - turn to account - turn a thing to account - on ones own account - turn to good account  7) торговый баланс to be called to ones account, to go to ones account, amer. to hand in ones account - умереть, покончить счёты с...
Англо-русский словарь
  ТВ 1. заказчик, клиент Лицо, постоянно пользующееся услугами данной рекламной фирмы 2. рекламодатель Постоянный клиент телекомпании, газеты, журнала 3. контракт Заключается между телекомпанией и рекламным агентством о покупке рекламного времени в эфире ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. сущ. 1) счет, финансовый отчет, бухгалтерский отчет, статистический отчет 2) отчет 3) основание, причина 4) соображение 5) значение 6) расчеты 7) отчетность 8) счетоводство 9) регистр • - ATS account - Exchequer account - Federal Reserve bank account - Federal Reserve bank collections account - NOW account - T-account - absorption account - access to account - account balance - account conflict - account credit - account current - account day - account dealing - account department - account executives - account for by - account for - account holder - account in a bank - account management - account manager - account number - account of charges - account of disbursement - account of expenses - account receivable financing - account sheet - account supervisor - account terms - account value - accumulation account - active account - adjunct account - adjust an account - adjustment of account - advance account - advertising account - advisory agency trust account - all-plant expence account - all-plant expense account - an account book - annual account - as per account rendered - asset account - assets account - assets disposal account - auditing of account - bad debt account - balance of account as of... - balance of account - balance of payment account - balance sheet account - balanced account - balancing account - bank account - bank giro account - banking account - be a little account - be deposited in account - be in account with smb. - be no account - bear account - bills account - blocked account - bond account - book account - brief account - budget account - bull account - business account - business income and product account - business saving account - by order and for account - capital account - capitalization account - cash account - category of account - certify the account - charge account - charge to account - charges account - check account - check an account - check only for account -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) учёт 2) расчёт; рассчитывать 3) отчёт; доклад 4) отзыв; оценка ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  отчёт; доклад счёт; регистр; учёт expenditure account отчёт о расходах учёт расходов final account financial account revenue account savings account ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a narration or description (gave a long account of the ordeal). 2 a an arrangement or facility at a bank or building society etc. for commercial or financial transactions, esp. for depositing and withdrawing money (opened an account). b the assets credited by such an arrangement (has a large account; paid the money into her account). c an arrangement at a shop for buying goods on credit (has an account at the newsagent's). 3 a (often in pl.) a record or statement of money, goods, or services received or expended, with the balance (firms must keep detailed accounts). b (in pl.) the practice of accounting or reckoning (is good at accounts). 4 a statement of the administration of money in trust (demand an account). 5 the period during which transactions take place on a stock exchange; the period from one account day to the next. 6 counting, reckoning. --v.tr. (foll. by to be or compl.) consider, regard as (account it a misfortune; account him wise; account him to be guilty). Phrases and idioms account day a day of periodic settlement of stock exchange accounts. account for 1 serve as or provide an explanation or reason for (that accounts for their misbehaviour). 2 a give a reckoning of or answer for (money etc. entrusted). b answer for (one's conduct). 3 succeed in killing, destroying, disposing of, or defeating. 4 supply or make up a specified amount or proportion of (rent accounts for 50% of expenditure). account rendered a bill which has been sent but is not yet paid. by all accounts in everyone's opinion. call to account require an explanation from (a person). give a good (or bad) account of oneself make a favourable (or unfavourable) impression; be successful (or unsuccessful). keep account of keep a record of; follow closely. leave out of account fail or decline to consider. money of account denominations of money used in reckoning, but not current as coins. of no account unimportant. of some account important. on account 1 (of goods) to be paid for later. 2 (of money) in part payment. on account of because...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English acounte, accompte, from Anglo-French acunte, from acunter  Date: 14th century  1. archaic reckoning, computation  2.  a. a record of debit and credit entries to cover transactions involving a particular item or a particular person or concern  b. a statement of transactions during a fiscal period and the resulting balance  3.  a. a statement explaining one's conduct  b. a statement or exposition of reasons, causes, or motives no satisfactory ~ of these phenomena  c. a reason for an action ; basis on that ~ I must refuse  4.  a. a formal business arrangement providing for regular dealings or services (as banking, advertising, or store credit) and involving the establishment and maintenance of an ~; also client, customer  b. money deposited in a bank ~ and subject to withdrawal by the depositor  5.  a. value, importance it's of no ~ to me  b. esteem stood high in their ~  6. advantage turned her wit to good ~  7.  a. careful thought ; consideration have to take many things into ~  b. a usually mental record ; track keep ~ of all you do  8. a description of facts, conditions, or events ; report, narrative the newspaper ~ of the fire by all ~s they're well-off; also performance a straightforward ~ of the sonata  II. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French acunter, from a- (from Latin ad-) + cunter to count  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to think of as ; consider ~s himself lucky  2. to probe into ; analyze  intransitive verb  1. to furnish a justifying analysis or explanation — used with for couldn't ~ for the loss  2.  a. to be the sole or primary factor — used with for the pitcher ~ed for all three putouts  b. to bring about the capture, death, or destruction of something — used with for ~ed for two rabbits ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (accounts, accounting, accounted) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you have an account with a bank or a similar organization, you have an arrangement to leave your money there and take some out when you need it. Some banks make it difficult to open an account... I had two accounts with Natwest, a savings account and a current account. N-COUNT 2. In business, a regular customer of a company can be referred to as an account, especially when the customer is another company. (BUSINESS) Biggart Donald, the Glasgow-based marketing agency, has won two Edinburgh accounts. N-COUNT 3. Accounts are detailed records of all the money that a person or business receives and spends. (BUSINESS) He kept detailed accounts. ...an account book. N-COUNT: usu pl 4. An account is a written or spoken report of something that has happened. He gave a detailed account of what happened on the fateful night... = report N-COUNT: with supp, usu N of n 5. see also accounting, bank account, current account, deposit account, joint 6. If you say that something is true by all accounts or from all accounts, you believe it is true because other people say so. He is, by all accounts, a superb teacher. PHRASE: PHR with cl 7. If you say that someone gave a good account of themselves in a particular situation, you mean that they performed well, although they may not have been completely successful. The team fought hard and gave a good account of themselves. PHRASE: V inflects 8. If you say that something is of no account or of little account, you mean that it is very unimportant and is not worth considering. (FORMAL) These obscure groups were of little account in national politics. PHRASE: v-link PHR 9. If you buy or pay for something on account, you pay nothing or only part of the cost at first, and pay the rest later. He bought two bottles of vodka on account. PHRASE: PHR after v 10. You use on account of to introduce the reason or explanation for something. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »DESCRIPTION« a) a written or spoken description which gives details of an event  (There were several different accounts of the story in the newspapers.) give an ~  (David gave us a vivid account of his trip to Rio.) blow-by-blow ~ (=a description of the details of all an event in the order that they happened) eyewitness ~ (=a description of events by someone who saw them)  (an eyewitness account of the robbery) firsthand ~ (=a description of events by someone who saw or took part in them)  (her fascinating firsthand account of the Chinese Cultural Revolution) b) a detailed scientific description of a process which explains how it happens and what makes it possible  (Chomsky's account of how children learn their first language) 2 »AT A BANK« written abbreviation a/c an arrangement that you have with a bank to pay in or take out money  (My salary is paid directly into my bank account.) joint ~ (=one that is shared by two people)  (- see also bank ~, checking ~, current ~ount, deposit ~ount, profit and loss ~, savings ~) 3 take ~ of sth/take sth into ~ to consider or include particular facts or details when making a decision or judgment about something  (These figures do not take account of changes in the rate of inflation.) 4 on ~ of because of something else, especially because of a problem or difficulty  (He can't run very fast on account of his asthma.) 5 ~s a) an exact record of the money that a company has received and the money it has spent  (The accounts for last year showed a profit of $2 million.) b) a department in a company that is responsible for keeping these records  (Eileen works in accounts.) 6 on ~ if you buy goods on account, you take them away with you and pay for them later 7 »WITH A SHOP« an arrangement that you have with a shop which allows you to buy goods and pay for them later; credit ~  (Can you charge this to my account please?) 8 »BILL« a statement of money that you owe for things you have bought from a shop; bill pay/settle your ~ (=pay what you owe)  (Accounts must be settled...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1300, from O.Fr. acont "account," from а "to" + cont "count," from L.L. computus "a calculation," from L. computare "calculate" (see compute). Accountant in the sense of "professional maker of accounts" is recorded from 1539. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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